Water pressure booster pumps.

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booster pump

If you require a good level of water pressure within your home or commercial building we are the company to

turn to in dorset for booster pump installation.


We are able to spec the correct size booster pump systems for your requirements.

Typically larger homes and commercial buildings can suffer from  not having enough water to supply demand

at peak times of the day.

We have a solution to low water pressure for schools, larger homes, b&bs & hotels in dorset.

Water booster pumps are an efficient way to supply the correct amount of pressure for the demand within the building.

We specialise in installing storage and boosting pump packaged units.

We work with M&E design engineers for the larger systems for a complete solution for your home or business covering Dorset & Wiltshire.

Call us to discus having a site survey carried out, so as to attain the type and size of system required for your project.

Call us on 01202 675393

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Boiler quote

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